The speed and complexity of worldwide change are taxing every institution and complicating processes and functions. We need to understand cities as complex adaptive systems and question how to manage change.
The speed and complexity of worldwide change are taxing every institution and complicating processes and functions. We need to understand cities as complex adaptive systems and question how to manage change.
‘Bringing Knowledge To The World’ geldt als mission statement voor Speakers Academy®. In deze slogan ontvouwt zich de ideële kant van Speakers Academy®, namelijk het verbeteren van communicatie tussen mensen, bedrijven en overheden en het overdragen van kennis en inzichten. Speakers Academy® neemt een metapositie in waar het betreft politiek, ras, afkomst, seksuele geaardheid en geloof.
At times of great winds, some build bunkers, whilst others build windmills. (Chinese Proverb) Directly inspired by nature, biology and ecologic principles for urban development and human applications. This Creative Innovation as collective research, design, transformation has produced a framework for urban principles in the 21st century.
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