Monthly Archives

november 2022

Still confused …. time

By | Algemeen | No Comments

Time is often treated as some sort of fundamental substance. Time exists somewhere in our universe, flowing uniformly from past to future. Time is the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. Basically, if a system is unchanging, it is timeless. Time can be considered to be the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. We know time is there and passing; the movement of our watches says so. We are time. We are this space, this clearing opened by the traces of memory inside the connections between our neurons. We…

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The universe is revealing to us that it’s always more strange, mysterious and fascinating than most of us could have ever imagined.

By | Algemeen | No Comments

Physics has more than its share of mind-bending ideas: the slowing of time, relativity, the enormous coagulations of matter, like black holes, that can rupture space-time itself. The equations of physics describe how things change in time. From the equations of Newton, which establish the foundations of mechanics, to those of Maxwell for electromagnetic phenomena; from Schrödinger’s equation describing how quantum phenomena evolve, to those of quantum field theory for the dynamics of subatomic particles: the whole of our physics, and science in general, is about how things develop according to the order of time. Physics has already grown far…

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By | Algemeen | No Comments

The broadest of perspectives can locate the shift underway on planet Earth as the most recent scene in a vast pageant of cosmic emergence. A cosmological panorama takes us beyond the ambit of daily life and beyond even the larger compass of human history, offering a vantage point for pondering the contemporary predicament. A reminder of where we are in the immensity of space, the eons of time, and the majestic evolution of existence, this wide vista cultivates a sense of awe and humility, stirring resolve to renew the vitality of our precious island of life. Such reflections bring into…

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By | Algemeen | No Comments

Humanity is making tremendous progress.  Cities are a dense network of interconnected systems of increasing complexity, all of which use feedback information to exist in dynamic equilibrium. A new era of innovation for our urban future. A moment of recognition/realization The city as the general form of human settlement, as the ecological niche of our species, belongs to the world of antifragility. The city as a system has proven through history to be capable to adapt, self-organize, improve and take advantage of the unpredictable, in short to prosper in disorder. Not only does the city exist for ten thousands years,…

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By | Algemeen | No Comments

When I was in my early thirties, the certainties I had grown up with disappeared from my life. Doubt became the starting point of my exploration, which has led to a rich harvest via different pathways and crossings and as I dared to question everything, including rationality itself. I tried to find my way in the logical analytics of my thinking, and, on the other hand moved by my  sensitivity to the mystery of existence. I gained many new insights into the great dimensions of existence. For me the beauty consists in the fact that patterns, regularity, and form can…

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Tomorrow will come

By | Algemeen | No Comments

Humanity has evolved as a member of the biotic community through the evolution of life on Earth. We live in systems and we are systems. At the same time, humanity now lives at such a scale that we contribute to the character and quality of the systems within which we live and those that we create at a scale never seen before in our history. As a species, humanity has a unique capability to be consciously aware of our individual and our collective impact on the world around us; our actions shape the future by how we live today and…

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