Monthly Archives

januari 2019

Working Together

By | Algemeen | No Comments

A serious obstacle to evolutionary theory is the interdependent relationships between living things, called symbiosis, in which completely different forms of life depend on each other to exist. Darwin’s theory of biological change was based on competition, or survival of the fittest, among the individuals making up a species. He admitted: ‘If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one species had been formed for the exclusive good of another species, it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced through natural selection’.

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By | Algemeen | No Comments

ONZE ONRUST OVER ‘DE STAD’ . ‘Wij’ zijn een netwerk van wetenschappers, bedrijven, dwarsdenker ….. etc. Steden en metropolitane gebieden worden steeds belangrijker voor het functioneren van de samenleving in een steeds complexere wereld. Deze stedelijke omgevingen zijn nu veelzijdiger, dynamischer, meer verbonden en minder voorspelbaar dan in het verleden. En de complexiteit neemt alleen maar toe.

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The near future…. are we in control?

By | Algemeen | No Comments

The increasing robotization and intelligence of objects is leading to a seamless presence in our everyday life. The Internet of (every)thing is on us and it is growing in our homes, in our cities, at the office….. The sheer number and variety of intelligent/robotized objects will seamlessly morph into a fabric of connected objects out of which an overall behavior will arise. We are part of this evolving ambient and we are interacting with both intelligent/ robotized objects and with the cyberspace. We are a component of this ambient, we live in symbiosis with it and soon enough intelligent systems…

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