Monthly Archives

januari 2017

resilience, cities leading the way

By | Algemeen

Strong sustainable and resilient cities requires enhanced knowledge and understanding of complex social-ecological interactions, but it also implies a ‘novel’ conceptualization of the relationship between humans and nature, one in which individuals perceive themselves as embedded members of the Biosphere. This “reconnection with the biosphere” in resilience suggests a radical shift in how resilient cities are conceived The shift to sustainable and resilient cities and it is a paradigm change has revolutionary consequences for how we envision a sustainable civilization. At the core of sustainable modern societies lays not only better understanding of complex social ecological interactions, and the following…

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It’s not human versus machine, it’s humans and machines

By | Algemeen

Robotics, Artificial intelligence (AI) has held a place in our imaginations for the better part of a century. Recently, these futuristic ideas have become a reality, earning artificial intelligence a constant place in the spotlight of the business world. Advancements in artificial intelligence have enabled companies to act on robust data sets, giving executives the ability to make data-driven decisions at a moment’s notice. Accelerating Artificial Intelligence capabilities will enable automation of some tasks that have long required human labor. Rather than relying on closely-tailored rules explicitly crafted by programmers, modern AI programs can learn from patterns in whatever data…

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